
7 .7

  • 寧波
  • 批發(fā)
  • 少于50人
  • 其他性質(zhì)
  • 雙休
  • 社保
  • 正式合同
  • 節日福利
  • 彈性工作
  • 做五休二
  • 贊同


ningbo sunlite import & export co.,ltd is your reliable partner in china for the professional innovation lightings and micro motors.in sunlite, 95% products are exported. thanks to the cooperation with wholesalers, retailer and our excellent teams. our company has a constant annual growth. sunlite provides high quality products at reasonable prices, and we welcome oem & odm projects. we pay attention to the quality, customer request and target market''s certificates. the main customers of our company include europe,southeast asia, oceania,middle east,north american and south american.the productsour main products include three series: led light fitting (led waterproof lights, led ceiling lights, led flood lights, led panel lights,led down lights, led highbay lights, led bulkhead lights, led emergency lights etc. ) led light source (led tube,led bulb,led spot light,led dome light led pl light,led r7s light etc. ) and micro motors(dc motor,ac motor etc).all of our lighting and motor products are with certificate,and the quality is stably.the technologyone of the foundations is high quality of the products. our specialists from the development department are constantly working on increasing quality standards. we offer the technical solution before and after sale. to be a qualified supplier for the high-level market, most of sunlite products have ce, etl, emc, gs, dlc,ul, r&tte approval. we are rohs compliant and pass iso9001.the visionwe feel very confident in our products and believe that they can meet with different requirements in worldwide markets. we would like to establish mutual beneficial business relationships with clients all over the world and develop lighting markets to get win-win benefits together.




共有24條工資數據,來(lái)自用戶(hù)發(fā)布及網(wǎng)絡(luò )收集的信息






  • 職位需求數:
    3 3 統計近一年職位數據所得
  • +50% 2021年
    -60% 2020年
    -29% 2019年
    +40% 2018年
    +50% +50% 2021年相較于2020年

中文名稱(chēng) 寧波森萊特進(jìn)出口有限公司
企業(yè)性質(zhì) 其他性質(zhì)
所屬行業(yè) 批發(fā)
公司所在地 寧波
詳細地址 海曙區蒼松路299弄22號(3-11)(3-12)室
注冊資金 100萬(wàn)人民幣
工商注冊號 330203000219136
統一信用代碼 91330203099837272B
組織機構代碼 099837272
經(jīng)營(yíng)狀態(tài) 存續
成立日期 2014-11-18


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    關(guān)注 百度 小程序

    提供招聘風(fēng)向 就業(yè)前景、勞動(dòng)法規 找工易 百度小程序

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