
7 .7

  • 蘇州
  • 儀表儀器
  • 100-499人
  • 外商獨資
  • 雙休
  • 社保
  • 正式合同
  • 交通補貼
  • 員工旅游
  • 定期體檢
  • 贊同


找工易簡(jiǎn)歷庫共有38個(gè)童鞋曾在偉思富奇環(huán)境試驗儀器(太倉)有限公司 工作過(guò),目前尚未提供該公司標準面試題和面試流程,如果你知道偉思富奇環(huán)境試驗儀器(太倉)有限公司是怎么面試的,歡迎爆料。


  • 應用工程師(超聲波焊接):
    – company products installation, commissioning, maintenance and trouble shooting.
    – sample welding test and optimization.
    – support sales for technical applications and solutions.
    – after sales following, feedback the ideas and suggestions from customers.
    – complete other works which are from department manager or company.
    – bachelor or above degree in automation or mechatronics.
    – willingness to business trip frequently.
    – be able to work individually and work under high pressure.
    – willingness to work hard, be modest and studious.
  • 應用工程師(超聲波焊接):
    position: application engineer /應用工程師
    report to: head of sso technical department / sso技術(shù)部經(jīng)理
    location: taicang, jiangsu / 江蘇省太倉市
    – company products installation, commissioning, maintenance and trouble shooting.
    – sample welding test and optimization.
    – support sales for technical applications and solutions.
    – after sales following, feedback the ideas and suggestions from customers.
    – complete other works which are from department manager or company.
    – bachelor or above degree in automation or mechatronics.
    – more than 2 years’ experience in automation field technical support.
    – be good at english (written, oral, listening and reading).
    – willingness to business trip frequently.
    – know commissioning for precision machinery, and has the experience in software setting and electric testing.
    – be able to work individually and work under high pressure.
    – willingness to work hard, be modest and studious.
  • 總經(jīng)理助理:
    r 1.負責總經(jīng)理的日程安排,為總經(jīng)理接見(jiàn)訪(fǎng)客做好預約工作;
    r responsible for gm’s schedule, to do a good job of appointments with visitors for gm.
    r 2.協(xié)助總經(jīng)理完成日常事務(wù)性工作;
    r assist gm to deal with daily work.
    r 3.協(xié)助與關(guān)聯(lián)方的非銷(xiāo)售相關(guān)事務(wù);
    r assist in non sales related matters with related parties;
    r 4.文檔翻譯;
    r document translation;
    r 5.協(xié)助總經(jīng)理撰寫(xiě)相關(guān)的報告、文件、方案等;
    r assist gm to write reports, documents, schemes, etc.
    r 6.負責公司采購和sbo數據維護管理。
    r responsible for company procurement and sbo data maintenance and management.
    r 7.完成總經(jīng)理交辦的其它工作。
    r complete other works which are from general manager.
    r requirements:
    r 1.文秘類(lèi)、德語(yǔ)、英語(yǔ)、管理類(lèi)專(zhuān)業(yè)優(yōu)先;
    r 2.熟練使用辦公自動(dòng)化軟件;
    r 3.有相關(guān)崗位5年以上工作經(jīng)驗者優(yōu)先;
    r 4.優(yōu)先的德語(yǔ)或英語(yǔ)聽(tīng)說(shuō)讀寫(xiě)能力
  • 去偉思富奇環(huán)境試驗儀器(太倉)有限公司面試前,請依照以上職位要求做好對照,攜帶好個(gè)人簡(jiǎn)歷以及身份證,畢業(yè)證和各類(lèi)資格證書(shū);


  • *面試職位:
    • 2024年
    • 2023年
    • 2022年
    • 2021年
    • 1月
    • 2月
    • 3月
    • 4月
    • 5月
    • 6月
    • 7月
    • 8月
    • 9月
    • 10月
    • 11月
    • 12月

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    提供招聘風(fēng)向 就業(yè)前景、勞動(dòng)法規 找工易 百度小程序

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