
7 .9

  • 上海
  • 其他
  • 少于50人
  • 雙休
  • 社保
  • 正式合同
  • 周末雙休
  • 帶薪年假
  • 做五休二
  • 贊同


找工易簡(jiǎn)歷庫共有75個(gè)童鞋曾在明禮經(jīng)濟信息咨詢(xún)(上海)有限公司 工作過(guò),目前尚未提供該公司標準面試題和面試流程,如果你知道明禮經(jīng)濟信息咨詢(xún)(上海)有限公司是怎么面試的,歡迎爆料。


  • 亞馬遜運營(yíng)主管:
    post requirements
    1.1-3 years experience in foreign trade sales, especially for experience in amazon. . 1-3年外貿銷(xiāo)售經(jīng)驗,尤其有亞馬遜經(jīng)驗者優(yōu)先。
    2.experience in selling bag products, such as backpacks, tool bags, suitcases, etc.有銷(xiāo)售包類(lèi)產(chǎn)品的經(jīng)驗,比如背包,工具包,旅行箱等等。
    3.fluent english both on oral and writing 流利的英語(yǔ),口語(yǔ)及書(shū)寫(xiě);
    4.exposure in the outdoor/camping industry is a plus.如了解戶(hù)外、室外產(chǎn)品行業(yè)更好;
    5.good team player and be able to work under high pressure 團隊合作,抗壓性強;
    6.well-organized person and able to work independently; you will report to and assisting operation manager as a beginning, and eventually will handle project independently.有條理,獨立完成工作;協(xié)助運營(yíng)經(jīng)理匯報,并最終能獨立完成項目。
    7.excellent interpersonal and communication skills; has the ability to deal with various people 優(yōu)秀的人際交往和溝通能力,有處理各種問(wèn)題的能力
    8.motivated, responsible, willing to take more workload and responsibilities upon occasions 積極主動(dòng),有責任心,愿意承擔更多的工作量和責任
    9.sincere, honest, driven, willing to learn.真誠,誠實(shí),樂(lè )于學(xué)習;
    10.business travel from time to time 有時(shí)需要出差
    company profile
    s.r.t asia is a sourcing company established in 2008, with a strong focus on providing reliable and efficient sourcing services to clients across various industries.
    we specialize in sourcing and quality control, offering end-to-end solutions that help businesses optimize their procurement processes.
    srt asia runs its operation trough 2 offices in china base in shanghai and changzhou.
    at s.r.t asia, we understand the importance of sourcing high-quality products at competitive prices. with our vast network of suppliers and manufacturers, we are able to source a wide range of products, including raw materials, finished goods, and everything in between. we work closely with our clients to understand their specific requirements and provide tailor-made solutions that meet their needs.
  • 亞馬遜運營(yíng)主管:
    post requirements
    1.1-3 years experience in foreign trade sales, especially for experience in amazon. . 1-3年外貿銷(xiāo)售經(jīng)驗,尤其有亞馬遜經(jīng)驗者優(yōu)先。
    2.experience in selling bag products, such as backpacks, tool bags, suitcases, etc.有銷(xiāo)售包類(lèi)產(chǎn)品的經(jīng)驗,比如背包,工具包,旅行箱等等。
    3.fluent english both on oral and writing 流利的英語(yǔ),口語(yǔ)及書(shū)寫(xiě);
    4.exposure in the outdoor/camping industry is a plus.如了解戶(hù)外、室外產(chǎn)品行業(yè)更好;
    5.good team player and be able to work under high pressure 團隊合作,抗壓性強;
    6.well-organized person and able to work independently; you will report to and assisting operation manager as a beginning, and eventually will handle project independently.有條理,獨立完成工作;協(xié)助運營(yíng)經(jīng)理匯報,并最終能獨立完成項目。
    7.excellent interpersonal and communication skills; has the ability to deal with various people 優(yōu)秀的人際交往和溝通能力,有處理各種問(wèn)題的能力
    8.motivated, responsible, willing to take more workload and responsibilities upon occasions 積極主動(dòng),有責任心,愿意承擔更多的工作量和責任
    9.sincere, honest, driven, willing to learn.真誠,誠實(shí),樂(lè )于學(xué)習;
    10.business travel from time to time 有時(shí)需要出差
    company profile
    s.r.t asia is a sourcing company established in 2008, with a strong focus on providing reliable and efficient sourcing services to clients across various industries.
    we specialize in sourcing and quality control, offering end-to-end solutions that help businesses optimize their procurement processes.
    srt asia runs its operation trough 2 offices in china base in shanghai and changzhou.
    at s.r.t asia, we understand the importance of sourcing high-quality products at competitive prices. with our vast network of suppliers and manufacturers, we are able to source a wide range of products, including raw materials, finished goods, and everything in between. we work closely with our clients to understand their specific requirements and provide tailor-made solutions that meet their needs.
  • 外貿業(yè)務(wù)員:
    包類(lèi)外貿銷(xiāo)售經(jīng)理foreign trade sales manager bags
    post requirements
    1. 1-3 years experience in foreign trade sales, especially for experience in amazon. . 1-3年外貿銷(xiāo)售經(jīng)驗,尤其有亞馬遜經(jīng)驗者優(yōu)先。
    2. experience in selling bag products, such as backpacks, tool bags, suitcases, etc.有銷(xiāo)售包類(lèi)產(chǎn)品的經(jīng)驗,比如背包,工具包,旅行箱等等。
    3. fluent english both on oral and writing 流利的英語(yǔ),口語(yǔ)及書(shū)寫(xiě);
    4. exposure in the outdoor/camping industry is a plus.如了解戶(hù)外、室外產(chǎn)品行業(yè)更好;
    5. good team player and be able to work under high pressure 團隊合作,抗壓性強;
    6. well-organized person and able to work independently; you will report to and assisting operation manager as a beginning, and eventually will handle project independently.有條理,獨立完成工作;協(xié)助運營(yíng)經(jīng)理匯報,并最終能獨立完成項目。
    7. excellent interpersonal and communication skills; has the ability to deal with various people 優(yōu)秀的人際交往和溝通能力,有處理各種問(wèn)題的能力
    8. motivated, responsible, willing to take more workload and responsibilities upon occasions 積極主動(dòng),有責任心,愿意承擔更多的工作量和責任
    9. sincere, honest, driven, willing to learn.真誠,誠實(shí),樂(lè )于學(xué)習;
    10. business travel from time to time 有時(shí)需要出差
    company profile
    s. r.t. asia ltd is a wholly foreign-funded, sourcing-oriented company headquartered in tel aviv, israel with three offices running respectively in shanghai, changzhou and hk. we have been in sourcing business in china for a significant length of time with staple product-line as in luggage, bags, wooden toys, mechanic spares, stoves, kitchen utensils, camping gear, i.e., tents, sleeping bags, grill stoves and etc. throughout years of hardworking and networking, now we have a very high market share based in israel, extending into europe, america and also africa. thank you!
  • 去明禮經(jīng)濟信息咨詢(xún)(上海)有限公司面試前,請依照以上職位要求做好對照,攜帶好個(gè)人簡(jiǎn)歷以及身份證,畢業(yè)證和各類(lèi)資格證書(shū);


  • *面試職位:
    • 2024年
    • 2023年
    • 2022年
    • 2021年
    • 1月
    • 2月
    • 3月
    • 4月
    • 5月
    • 6月
    • 7月
    • 8月
    • 9月
    • 10月
    • 11月
    • 12月




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