2024.01.22 發(fā)布
IN SQM Expert Tianjin/Beijing/Shanghai
  • 天津
  • 本科
  • 5-10年
  • 1人
  • 性別不限
  • 收藏
The role. This job role is responsible for selection or customization of appropriate quality management methodologies in sync with relevant industry standards and compliance requirements for the SQM business, as well as in-house promotion of these, including:
1, Supplier audit methodology. Involve but not limited on-site audit, remote audit, third party commissioned audit, code of conduct and sustainability audit, etc. Support auditors to better conduct and coordinate supplier audits to ensure that all the standards are met by suppliers. 2, Plant assessment methodology. Leverage applicable methods to ensure all safety standards, quality controls, and operational procedures are met and implemented correctly in SQM function. 3, Quality agreement methodology. Effectively dictate the standards to which products or services should conform between Innomotics and supplier by executable contract signing template. 4, KPIs methodology of supplier quality. Optimize & develop supplier quality management KPI assessment system, which is suitable for the characteristics of the Innomotics business. 5, Incident Management Methodology. Provide viable methodology to guidance seeking solutions to supplier quality issues, identifying root cause and taking preventive action.
Your profile. Qualifications for this role include a background in supplier quality management, knowledge of quality standards, auditing skills, strong communication abilities, and the ability to work collaboratively with suppliers and internal teams to ensure the delivery of high-quality products or services. 1. Function & Methods ? Quality Audits and Assessments, Expert Expert in setting up quality audit and assessment programs, as well as developing audit questionnaires to improve audit methods and tools. ? Quality Assurance, Expert ? master broad range of Quality Assurance methods that can be applied in different contexts, supports and oversees others in applying them. Has excellent negotiation skills about quality-related contents in a supply contract or a quality assurance agreement. ? General Supplier Quality Management (SQM), Expert ? Expert in advising on the agreement of quality targets for suppliers, on quality assurance agreements and on continuous improvement activities with suppliers. Better develops the SQM methods within the Supplier Management process. ? Bid, Contract and Claim Management, Advanced ? Has broad experience as project manager, properly implements management during bidding, contracting and claim process to mitigate risks and maintain strong business relationship with suppliers. ? Community management, Advanced ? Be experienced in establishing and managing communities in an efficient way by applying relevant methods and using communication channels to foster a sense of belonging, trust, and collaboration. ? Product & Solution Security, Basic ? Has basic knowledge about Product and Solution Security (PSS) methods, tools, standards and technologies for a specific discipline. ? Sustainability in the Supply Chain, Advanced ? Be familiar with the requirements of the Code of Conduct and explains them to suppliers. Able to cope with the typical objections from suppliers and be familiar with the Innomotics overall Sustainability program and strategy. ? Communication, Expert ? Excellent communication and presentation skills. Be able to present to diverse target groups of all sizes (including senior management) and be able to present complex and difficult topics in a simple and understandable manner, which involves using appropriate presentation methods/mediums and combining them to deliver information in a goal-oriented and enjoyable manner, while motivating the audience to actively participate.
2. Leadership ? With the competence of “Driving Change” - Encouraging others to address problems and opportunities;
leading the implementation and acceptance of change within the workplace;
Recognizing and driving and changes needed to achieve strategic objectives;
Transforming organizational culture, systems, or products/services. ? With the competence of “Driving for Results” - Setting high standards (personal and group) and monitoring progress toward goals;
tenaciously working to meet or exceed goals;
defining success by goal achievement and continuous improvement.
3. Experience ? 5+ years of experience in quality management ? 5+ years of experience in supply chain management ? Familiarity with ISO 9000 and VDA6.3 and 5+ years of experience in applying these standards in practice. ? 3+ years of experience in working in international team. ? VDA6.3 auditor certification is preferred. ? Experience in team management and leadership is preferred.
What we offer. 1. Work experience at the global headquarter of a world-renowned company. 2. An opportunity to grow your career in a dynamic and enriching work environment which would fully utilize personal abilities and creativity. 3. Exceptional global career development opportunities: collaborate with professionals from various cultural backgrounds, expand professional network on an international scale. 4. A position staying at the forefront of industry trends: further enhancement of your SQM expertise and leadership. 5. A united team with a common goal participates in cross-functional teamwork.


最近更新: 2024.01.22

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